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17 August 2024 Reading time: ~1 minute

Wales and Snowdonia in colour

Wales and Snowdonia in panoramic images


16 August 2024 Reading time: ~1 minute

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Seals at Horsey Gap

26 July 2024 Reading time: 3 minutes

This year we were very lucky. At the end of July, we were sailing with our friends on Norfolk Broads and, in the evening, when we were almost ready to head home someone told us: "...hang on, and by the way, have you seen the seals"? And then we realised that we were a 10-minute drive (literally) from Horsey Gap. And Horsey Gap is an amazing place: it's home to one of the UK’s largest colonies of Grey Seals and their pups. It might be difficult to believe, but over 3,500 seal pups were born along its stunning coastline during the 2023/24 season, it’s like a never-ending sea party! So in the summer months, you can often catch glimpses of these charming creatures lounging on the beach or splashing about in the waves. And then the "pupping season" is from the end of summer up to February - this is when things get really cosy and intimate!

Ok, so you want to see the seals. The first thing you have to do is to get to this place:

Once you are there, you have to park your car, take a 10-15 min walk through sand dunes, and here you go. Btw, the rules at the place are pretty relaxed allowing unlimited stay time, walking distance, and freedom to spend your visit as you wish.

Another reason why this beach is teeming with seals is because mothers-to-be need to come ashore to give birth. And here’s the amazing part: many of them arrive on land a full 24 hours before their little ones make their appearance, giving you a front-row seat to witness the miracle of birth! Ah, those pups... At the beginning, these little bundles of joy, wrapped in soft white fur, are utterly dependent on their mothers for survival. Their waterproof coats may be a thing of the future, but for now, they need to stay dry and snuggled up close to mum for 16-21 precious days before they’re ready to make a proper splash in the ocean. Another fun fact is that these cute critters have voracious appetites and are putting on weight at an astonishing rate: up to 2kg per day. It’s no wonder they need to eat so much - after all, growing into a sleek and powerful seal takes energy!

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Photo etudes

19 June 2024 Reading time: ~1 minute

A collection of unsorted images from different places. 

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14 May 2024 Reading time: ~1 minute

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Hidden Cambridge

28 April 2024 Reading time: ~1 minute

Hidden gems of Cambridge

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